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Classic Metal Roofs


Phone (603) 324-7187
Address 1 Tara Blvd,
Nashua, NH 03062 United States


Classic Metal Roofs, LLC. is a premier residential metal roofing contractor located at 1 Tara Blvd., Nashua, NH specializing in Metal Roofing, Metal Shingle Roofing, and Standing Seam Metal Roofing. With over 20 years of experience, we provide high-quality, environmentally friendly solutions, focusing on aluminum, copper, and zinc. Our services include Metal Roof Installation, Aluminum Metal Shingles, and Aluminum Standing Seam Roofing. Serving Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, we offer unparalleled workmanship, competitive pricing, and outstanding customer satisfaction. Choose Classic Metal Roofs for durable, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally sustainable roofing solution.

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