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Seay Motors


Phone (270) 248-7866
Address 72 Youngblood Drive,
Mayfield, KY 42066 United States


At Seay Motors, we understand that finding the perfect model is just the first step toward owning your dream car. That's why we invite you to visit our finance center, where our dedicated team of finance experts is ready to assist you. As a premier used car dealership in Mayfield, we pride ourselves on providing excellent service from start to finish. When you arrive at our finance center, you'll be greeted by our knowledgeable staff who will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the auto loan you need promptly. With our extensive network of lenders and banks, we can secure the best offers available, tailored to your specific requirements. We believe that everyone deserves a chance to own the model they desire, regardless of their credit history. That's why our team is experienced in working with all types of credit scores, helping our customers obtain incredible rates. Don't let past credit mistakes hold you back; at Seay Motors, we're committed to finding a solution for you. For added convenience, you can even begin the finance process from the comfort of your own home. Take advantage of our online credit application and get started on your car ownership journey today.

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